Category Archives: Publicaciones

Autores Ckelar: Amiel Nieto Otros autores: María-Paz Reyes-Hardy, Luigia Sara Di Maio, Lucia Dominguez, Corine Frischknecht, Sébastien Biass, Leticia Freitas Guimarães, Manuela Elissondo, Gabriela Pedreros, Rigoberto Aguilar, Álvaro Amigo, Sebastián […]

Autores Ckelar: Verónica Oliveros.Otros autores: Vlad Constantin Manea, Harim Arvizu, y Paulina Vásquez.Revista científica: Geophysical Research Letters. ABSTRACT An outstanding question in the geological evolution of the Chilean Andes is […]

Autor Ckelar: Alvaro Aravena. Otros autores: Laurent Chupin, Thierry Dubois and Olivier Roche. Revista científica: Bulletin of Volcanollogy Abstract We investigate granular flows generated by the collapse of an initially […]

Autores Ckelar: Yuvineza Gómez-Leyton y Pablo Salazar.Revista científica: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ABSTRACT Volcanic hazards represent a constant challenge for the communities that coexist around these dynamic geological phenomena. The […]

Autores Ckelar: Manuel Inostroza, Felipe Aguilera, Joseline Tapia, Nahun Irarrázabal. Otros autores: Séverine Moune, Ivan Vlastelic, Pierre Burckel, Bárbara Fernández. Revista científica: Chemical Geology Abstract This study examines the trace […]

Autor Ckelar: Amiel NietoOtros autores: Ana Lillian Martin-Del PozzoRevista científica: Volcanology and Geothermal Research ABSTRACT A long-lived eruption of Popocatépetl volcano in central México has produced almost continuous ash fall on the […]

Autor Ckelar: Pablo Salazar.Otros autores: Kellen Azúa, Francisco Pastén-Araya, José González-Alfaro, José Salomón, Sergio Ruiz y César Pastén. Abstract Understanding the lithological control of crustal faults near cities is important […]

Autor Ckelar: Adriana Aránguiz-Acuña y Joseline TapiaOtros autores: P. Pérez-Portilla, H.Pizarro, A. Maldonado y J. HerreraRevista científica: Science of the Total Environment ABSTRACT Over the last century, the Atacama Desert has […]

Autor Ckelar: Andrei Maksymowicz y Luis E. LaraOtros autores: Eduardo Contreras-ReyesRevista científica: Geosphere ABSTRACT Based on gravity and bathymetric data and using a novel two-dimensional joint flexural-density modeling approach, this […]

Autor Ckelar: Luis Lara.Otros autores: Javier Reyes, Vanessa Sutherland, Nicolás Aguirre, Carlos Orellana, Folkmar Hauff y Kaj Hoernle.Revista científica: Mineral ABSTRACT Oceanic intraplate volcanoes sometimes experience late-stage eruptive activity known as […]