
The Triassic magmatism in southwestern Gondwana: An example of arc batholith construction in a retreating margin

The Triassic magmatism in southwestern Gondwana: An example of arc batholith construction in a retreating margin

Autores Ckelar: Verónica Oliveros.Otros autores: Javiera González, Friedrich Lucassen, Christian Creixell, Felipe Coloma, Ricardo Velásquez, Laura Hernández, Paulina Vásquez y Simone A. Kasemann.Revista científica: Gondwana Research. Abstract The Chollay-Piuquenes batholith (CPB) represents voluminous Lower-Middle...
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Characterization and geodynamic interpretation of Nazca Plate bathymetric anomalies

Characterization and geodynamic interpretation of Nazca Plate bathymetric anomalies

Autor Ckelar: Luis E. Lara Otros autores: Gabriel Orozco, Andrés Tassara Revista científica: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Abstract The...
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Volcanic risk ranking and regional mapping of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes

Volcanic risk ranking and regional mapping of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes

Autores Ckelar: Amiel Nieto Otros autores: María-Paz Reyes-Hardy, Luigia Sara Di Maio, Lucia Dominguez, Corine Frischknecht, Sébastien Biass, Leticia Freitas...
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Magnetotelluric image of the Patagonian slab window: Constraints on upper mantle physical properties and sources of intraplate magmatism

Magnetotelluric image of the Patagonian slab window: Constraints on upper mantle physical properties and sources of intraplate magmatism

Autores Ckelar: Daniel Díaz y Katarzyna Ślęzak. Otros autores: Jaime Araya Vargas, Jorge Sanhueza, María José Segovia y Francisco Pastén-Araya. Revista científica: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Abstract...
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Unraveling the Geodynamic Evolution of the Pre– and Early–Andean Margin: Insights From Numerical Modeling

Unraveling the Geodynamic Evolution of the Pre– and Early–Andean Margin: Insights From Numerical Modeling

Papers Proyectos
Autores Ckelar: Verónica Oliveros.Otros autores: Vlad Constantin Manea, Harim Arvizu, y Paulina Vásquez.Revista científica: Geophysical Research Letters. ABSTRACT An outstanding...
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Run-out distance of initially fluidized, collapsing granular columns with different aspect ratios: constraints and volcanological implications from experiments and 2D incompressible simulations

Run-out distance of initially fluidized, collapsing granular columns with different aspect ratios: constraints and volcanological implications from experiments and 2D incompressible simulations

Autor Ckelar: Alvaro Aravena. Otros autores: Laurent Chupin, Thierry Dubois and Olivier Roche. Revista científica: Bulletin of Volcanollogy Abstract We...
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Reconstrucción del paleo-relieve del área del Volcán Xitle (Ciudad de México) y su impacto en la trayectoria de sus derrames de lava mediante simulaciones probabilísticas

Reconstrucción del paleo-relieve del área del Volcán Xitle (Ciudad de México) y su impacto en la trayectoria de sus derrames de lava mediante simulaciones probabilísticas

Autores Ckelar: Amiel Nieto.Otros autores: Mariana Sandoval y Ana Lillian Martin Del Pozzo.Revista científica: Geofísica Internacional Resumen La topografía prexistente jugó...
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Optimizing Volcanic Hazard Modeling with Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs)

Optimizing Volcanic Hazard Modeling with Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs)

Autores Ckelar: Yuvineza Gómez-Leyton y Pablo Salazar.Revista científica: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ABSTRACT Volcanic hazards represent a constant challenge for...
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Lastarria volcano, a major emitter of boron and chalcophiles in northern Chile and the Central Volcanic Zone

Lastarria volcano, a major emitter of boron and chalcophiles in northern Chile and the Central Volcanic Zone

Autores Ckelar: Manuel Inostroza, Felipe Aguilera, Joseline Tapia, Nahun Irarrázabal. Otros autores: Séverine Moune, Ivan Vlastelic, Pierre Burckel, Bárbara Fernández....
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Ashfall characteristics and development of the ash monitoring network during three decades of the long-lived eruption of Popocatépetl Volcano, México

Ashfall characteristics and development of the ash monitoring network during three decades of the long-lived eruption of Popocatépetl Volcano, México

Autor Ckelar: Amiel NietoOtros autores: Ana Lillian Martin-Del PozzoRevista científica: Volcanology and Geothermal Research ABSTRACT A long-lived eruption of Popocatépetl volcano in...
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Lithological control of the active Mejillones fault from Triassic to Quaternary, northern Chile

Lithological control of the active Mejillones fault from Triassic to Quaternary, northern Chile

Autor Ckelar: Pablo Salazar.Otros autores: Kellen Azúa, Francisco Pastén-Araya, José González-Alfaro, José Salomón, Sergio Ruiz y César Pastén. Revista científica:...
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Assessing the effects of long-term mining exploitation on a lacustrine system from the arid region of the Atacama Desert, Chile

Assessing the effects of long-term mining exploitation on a lacustrine system from the arid region of the Atacama Desert, Chile

Autor Ckelar: Adriana Aránguiz-Acuña y Joseline TapiaOtros autores: P. Pérez-Portilla, H.Pizarro, A. Maldonado y J. HerreraRevista científica: Science of the Total...
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Joint flexural-density modeling of the Taltal, Copiapó, and Iquique hotspot ridges and the surrounding oceanic plate, offshore Chile

Joint flexural-density modeling of the Taltal, Copiapó, and Iquique hotspot ridges and the surrounding oceanic plate, offshore Chile

Autor Ckelar: Andrei Maksymowicz y Luis E. LaraOtros autores: Eduardo Contreras-ReyesRevista científica: Geosphere ABSTRACT Based on gravity and bathymetric data...
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Tracing the Origin and Magmatic Evolution of the Rejuvenated Volcanism in Santa Clara Island, Juan Fernández Ridge, SE Pacific

Tracing the Origin and Magmatic Evolution of the Rejuvenated Volcanism in Santa Clara Island, Juan Fernández Ridge, SE Pacific

Autor Ckelar: Luis Lara.Otros autores: Javier Reyes, Vanessa Sutherland, Nicolás Aguirre, Carlos Orellana, Folkmar Hauff y Kaj Hoernle.Revista científica: Mineral ABSTRACT...
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Effect of crustal stress state on magmatic stalling and ascent: case study from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile

Effect of crustal stress state on magmatic stalling and ascent: case study from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile

Autor Ckelar: Luis Lara.Otros autores: Katy J. Chamberlain, Daniel J. Morgan, Richard Walshaw, Joe Gardner, Simon Chenery, Ian L. Millar & Doris Wagner.Revista científica: Bulletin of Volcanology ABSTRACT...
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