Contacto de Prensa
Débora Gutiérrez
+ 56 9 4220 1580
Pilar Canales
+ 56 9 2686 2617
Mahesh N. Shrivastava
Investigador Principal
Doctor en física de la Universidad de Mumbai, India; físico, químico y matemático de la Universidad Purvanchal, India, y geodesta del Instituto Indio de Geomagnetismo. Es académico de Geología de la Universidad Católica del Norte.
Especialidad: Geomagnetismo, GPS en sismos y volcanismo. Tectónica y uso de datos geodésicos y sismológicos.
2022 – Sunil, A. S., Sunil, P. S., Shrivastava, M. N., Maurya, A. K., Thomas, D., & Gonzalez, G. Seismic Induced Ground Deformation and Ionospheric Perturbations of the 29 July 2021, Mw 8.2 Chignik Earthquake, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research.
2021 – González, G., Pasten-Araya, F., Victor, P., González, Y., Valenzuela, J., & Shrivastava, M. The role of interplate locking on the seismic reactivation of upper plate faults on the subduction margin of northern Chile. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-12.
2021 – Shrivastava, M. N., Maurya, A. K., & Kumar, K. N. Ionospheric perturbation during the South American total solar eclipse on 14th December 2020 revealed with the Chilean GPS eyeball. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-13.
2021 – Shrivastava, M. N. The Gorkha earthquake 2015 and the largest aftershock in the Indian-Eurasian collision zone. Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
2021 – Shrivastava, M. N., Maurya, A. K., Gonzalez, G., Sunil, P. S., Gonzalez, J., Salazar, P., & Aranguiz, R. Tsunami detection by GPS-derived ionospheric total electron content. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-13.
2020 – Ajeet K. Maurya, Mahesh N. Shrivastava, Kondapalli Niranjan Kumar. Ionospheric monitoring with the Chilean GPS eyeball during the South American total solar eclipse on 2nd July 2019. Scientific Reports.
2020 – González J., González G., Aránguiz R., Melgar D., Zamora N., Shrivastava M.N., Das R., Catalán P.A. A hybrid deterministic and stochastic approach for tsunami hazard assessment in Iquique, Chile. Natural Hazards.
2019 – Shrivastava, MN; Gonzalez, G; Moreno, M; Soto, H; Schurr, B; Salazar, P; Baez, JC. Earthquake segmentation in northern Chile correlates with curved plate geometry. Scientific Reports.
2017 – Aguirre, P., Vásquez, J., de la Llera, J. C., González, G., González, J., & Shrivastava, M. Earthquake damage assessment for Iquique: case study for implementation of Hazus-MH in Chile. In 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (pp. 9-13).
2017 – Reddy, C. D. and Shrivastava, Mahesh N. An Appraisal of the Plate Tectonic Forces: Role of Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) in the Deformation of IndoEurasian Collision Zone. Journal Of Indian Geophysical Union
2016 – Shrivastava M., González, G., Moreno M., Chlieh M., Salazar P., Reddy C., Báez J., Yáñez, G., González J. and de la Llera J.C. (2016). Coseismic slip and after slip of the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel (Chile) earthquake determined from continuous GPS data. Geophysical Research Letters. Geophys.
2016 -Baruah, Santanu, Baruah, Saurabh, Saikia, Sowrav, Shrivastava, Mahesh N.,Sharma, Antara,Reddy, C. D. and Kayal, J. R. State of tectonic stress in Shillong Plateau of northeast India. Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth.
2016 – Reddy, C., Shrivastava, M., Seemala, G., González, G., and Baez., J.C. Ionospheric Plasms Response to Mw Chile Illapel Earthquake on September 16. Pure and Applied Geophys.
2015 – Reddy, C., Sunil, A., González, G., Shrivastava, M. And Moreno, M. Near-field co-seismic ionospheric response due to the northern Chile Mw 8.1 Pisagua earthquake on April 1, 2014 from GPS observations. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.
2015 – Gonzalez, Gabriel, Salazar, Pablo, Loveless, John P., Allmendinger, Richard W., Aron, Felipe and Shrivastava, Mahesh. Upper plate reverse fault reactivation and unclamping of the megathrust during the 2014 northern Chile earthquake sequence. Geology.
2015 – Catalan, Patricio. A., Aránguiz, Rafael, Gonzalez, Gabriel, Tomita, Takashi, Cienfuegos, Rodrigo, Gonzalez, Juan, Shrivastava, Mahesh N., Kumagai, Kentaro, Mokrani, Cyril, Cortes, Pablo and Gubler, Alejandra. The 1 April 2014 Pisagua tsunami: Observations and modeling. Geophysical Research Letters. Geophys.
2013 – Mahesh N. Shrivastava and C. D. Reddy. The Mw 8.6 Indian Ocean Earthquake on April 11, 2012: Co seismic Displacement, Coulomb Stress Change and Aftershocks pattern. Journal of Geological Society of India.
2013 – Shrivastava, Mahesh N.; Reddy, C. D.; Prajapati, Sanjay K. Topographic Constraints on Deviatoric Stress Field in the Indo-Eurasian Collision Region: SeismoTectonic Implications. Pure And Applied Geophysics.
Profesor Asociado de la carrera de Geología, en la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Geológicas de la Universidad Católica del Norte.
Guía de tesis
Geología – Universidad Católica del Norte
José Gutierrez (2023) – Deformación vertical mediante observaciones InSAR del volcán Villarrica, Chile: erupción del 3 de marzo del 2015.
Geología – Universidad de Atacama
Francisca Sánchez (2023) – Deformación vertical del volcán Calbuco durante la erupción del 22-23 de abril año 2015, mediante observaciones InSAR para comprender la dinámica eruptiva.