
Tracing the Origin and Magmatic Evolution of the Rejuvenated Volcanism in Santa Clara Island, Juan Fernández Ridge, SE Pacific

Tracing the Origin and Magmatic Evolution of the Rejuvenated Volcanism in Santa Clara Island, Juan Fernández Ridge, SE Pacific

Autor Ckelar: Luis Lara.Otros autores: Javier Reyes, Vanessa Sutherland, Nicolás Aguirre, Carlos Orellana, Folkmar Hauff y Kaj Hoernle.Revista científica: Mineral ABSTRACT...
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Effect of crustal stress state on magmatic stalling and ascent: case study from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile

Effect of crustal stress state on magmatic stalling and ascent: case study from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile

Autor Ckelar: Luis Lara.Otros autores: Katy J. Chamberlain, Daniel J. Morgan, Richard Walshaw, Joe Gardner, Simon Chenery, Ian L. Millar & Doris Wagner.Revista científica: Bulletin of Volcanology ABSTRACT...
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The PiGas: A low-cost approach to volcanic gas sampling

The PiGas: A low-cost approach to volcanic gas sampling

Autores Ckelar: Susana Layana, Felipe Aguilera y Mauricio Aguilera.Otros autores: Thomas Charles Wilkes y Tom David Pering.Revista científica: Journal of Volcanology and...
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Towards a comprehensive understanding of the “origin, distribution, and biogeochemistry of arsenic in the Altiplano-Puna plateau of South America” with IGCP-707 project

Towards a comprehensive understanding of the “origin, distribution, and biogeochemistry of arsenic in the Altiplano-Puna plateau of South America” with IGCP-707 project

Autora Ckelar: Joseline Tapia Otros autores: Jessica Murray, Mauricio Ormachea, Noemi Tirado, Kirk Nordstrom Revista científica: Episodes Arsenic (As) is...
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Tracking tsunami propagation and Island’s collapse after the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai 2022 volcanic eruption from multi-space observations

Tracking tsunami propagation and Island’s collapse after the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai 2022 volcanic eruption from multi-space observations

Autores Ckelar: Mahesh N. Shrivastava, Felipe Aguilera. Otros autores: A. S. Sunil, Ajeet K. Maurya, Simón Orrego, P. S. Sunil,...
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Products and dynamics of lava-snow explosions: The 16 March 2017 explosion at Mount Etna, Italy

Products and dynamics of lava-snow explosions: The 16 March 2017 explosion at Mount Etna, Italy

Autor Ckelar: Álvaro Aravena Otros autores: R. Cioni, D. Andronico, L. Cappelli, P. Gabellini, A. Cristaldi, R.A. Corsaro, M. Cantarero,F....
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The April 2015 Calbuco eruption pyroclastic density currents: deposition, impacts on woody vegetation, and cooling on the northern flank of the cone

The April 2015 Calbuco eruption pyroclastic density currents: deposition, impacts on woody vegetation, and cooling on the northern flank of the cone

Autor Ckelar: Felipe Aguilera Otros autores: Jorge E. Romero, Frederick J. Swanson, Julia A. Jones, Daniele Morgavi, Guido Giordano, Matteo...
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Major and trace element emission rates in hydrothermal plumes in a tropical environment. The case of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano

Major and trace element emission rates in hydrothermal plumes in a tropical environment. The case of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe volcano

Papers Publicaciones
Autor Ckelar: Manuel Inostroza. Otros autores: Séverine Moune, Roberto Moretti, Pierre Burckel, Elodie Chilin-Eusebe, Celine Dessert, Vincent Robert, Caroline Gorge....
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Physical and chemical characteristic of active sulfur flows observed at Lastarria volcano (northern Chile) in January 2019

Physical and chemical characteristic of active sulfur flows observed at Lastarria volcano (northern Chile) in January 2019

Autores Ckelar: Manuel Inostroza, Felipe Aguilera, Susana Layana Otros autores: Bárbara Fernández, Thomas R. Walter, Martin Zimmer, Augusto Rodríguez-Díaz, Marcus...
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A long time of rest at Llaima volcano following the 2010 MW 8.8 Maule earthquake, Chile

A long time of rest at Llaima volcano following the 2010 MW 8.8 Maule earthquake, Chile

Papers Proyectos
Autor Ckelar: Luis Lara.Otros autores: Luis Franco-Marín, Daniel Basualto, José Luis Palma, Fernando Gil-Cruz, Carlos Cardona y Cristian Farias.Revista científica: Volcanology...
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Crustal structure of the Lazufre volcanic complex and the Southern Puna from 3-D inversion of magnetotelluric data: Implications for surface uplift and evidence for melt storage and hydrothermal fluids

Crustal structure of the Lazufre volcanic complex and the Southern Puna from 3-D inversion of magnetotelluric data: Implications for surface uplift and evidence for melt storage and hydrothermal fluids

Autor Ckelar: Daniel Díaz Otros autores: Martyn Unsworth; Matthew J. Comeau; Heinrich Brasse; Benjamin Heit; Alicia Favetto; Cristina Pomposiello; Hernan Barcelona;...
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Crater morphology, nested ring structures, and temperature anomalies studied by unoccupied aircrafts system data at Lascar volcano, northern Chile.

Crater morphology, nested ring structures, and temperature anomalies studied by unoccupied aircrafts system data at Lascar volcano, northern Chile.

Autores Ckelar: Felipe Aguilera, Susana Layana, Manuel Inostroza Otros autores: Lun Ai, Thomas R. Walter, René Mania, Christian Kujawa, Martin...
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Silicic volcanic rocks, a main regional source of geogenic arsenic in waters: Insights from the Altiplano-Puna plateau, Central Andes

Silicic volcanic rocks, a main regional source of geogenic arsenic in waters: Insights from the Altiplano-Puna plateau, Central Andes

Papers Publicaciones
Autor Ckelar: Joseline Tapia Otros autores: Jesica Murray, Silvina Guzmán y Kirk Nordstrom. Revista científica: Chemical Geology Abstract Volcanic rocks are a...
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Magma storage and transfer in the Villarrica volcanic chain, South Chile: MT insights into volcano-tectonic interactions

Magma storage and transfer in the Villarrica volcanic chain, South Chile: MT insights into volcano-tectonic interactions

Autores Ckelar: Daniel Díaz, Luis E. Lara Otros autores: Maximiliano Pavez, Heinrich Brasse, Gerhard Kapinos, Eva Schill Revista científica: Volcanology...
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Evolution of the magmatic-hydrothermal system at Lastarria volcano (Northern Chile) between 2006 and 2019: Insights from fluid geochemistry

Evolution of the magmatic-hydrothermal system at Lastarria volcano (Northern Chile) between 2006 and 2019: Insights from fluid geochemistry

L1 - Proyectos Papers
Autores Ckelar: Susana Layana, Felipe Aguilera, Manuel Inostroza y Cristóbal González.Otros autores: Franco Tassi, Thomas Charles Wilkes, Stefan Bredemeyer, Tom...
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