Autor Ckelar: Felipe Aguilera

Otros autores: Pablo Grosse, Silvina Guzmán, Gary Michelfelder, Marco Taussi

Revista científica: Frontiers in Earth Science

This Research Topic was born out of the 1st Symposium on the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes (CVZA; carried out in virtual mode during 2021) which counted for the presence of geoscientists working in the volcanological, petrological and geochemical fields, among the others. Our objective was to bring together contributions focused on the evolution and impact of volcanism in the CVZA from its formation (Late Oligocene) up to present times, including specific and multidisciplinary studies, with both detailed and regional approaches. The CVZA is located in the western part of South America, as a consequence of the subduction of the Nazca plate under South American plate, and covers the northern Chile, northwestern Argentina, western Bolivia and southern Peru. The CVZA is characterized by the occurrence of massive explosive events, dominated by andesitic-to-dacitic products, and strongly influenced by the presence of a thick continental crust, which favors several processes as long-lasting magma storage, magma assimilation by crustal contamination, among others. One of the main scientific problems related to this volcanic area is to define what are the main processes that control the size and frequency of the major explosive eruptions. The nine articles published in this Research Topic cover a spectrum of topics applied in different areas of the CVZA, including poly- and monogenetic volcanism, the influence of the crust in magmatic processes, fluid geochemistry, volcano seismicity, petrology, geochronology, hazards assessment, relationships between volcanoes and archeology/anthropology/sociology.

Full paper here