Contacto de Prensa
Débora Gutiérrez
+ 56 9 4220 1580
Pilar Canales
+ 56 9 2686 2617
Felipe Aguilera
Doctor en Ciencias mención Geología, licenciado y geólogo de la Universidad Católica del Norte. Reconocido volcanólogo chileno, con más de 20 años de experiencia investigando los volcanes más activos de Chile y Latinoamérica. Ha participado en proyectos con volcanólogos de Estados Unidos, Italia, España y Perú, entre otros. Es académico de Geología de la Universidad Católica del Norte.
Contacto: feaguilera@ucn.cl
Especialidad: Geoquímica de fluidos en sistemas volcánicos y geotermales. Detección de actividad volcánica mediante técnicas remotas, volcanología física, riesgos volcánicos y erupciones volcánicas en Chile y el mundo.
2023 – Inostroza, M., Fernández, B., Aguilera, F., Layana, S., Walter, T. R., Zimmer, M., Rodríguez-Díaz, A., Oelze,
M. 2023. Physical and chemical characteristics of active sulfur flows observed at Lastarria volcano (northern
Chile) in January 2019. Frontiers in Earth Science.
2023 – Ai, L., Walter, T. R., Aguilera, F., Layana, S., Mania, R., Kujawa, C., Zimmer, M., Inostroza, M. 2023. Crater
morphology, nested ring structures, and temperature anomalies studied by unoccupied aircraft system data at
Lascar volcano, northern Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2023 – Layana, S., Aguilera, F., Inostroza, M., Tassi, F., Wilkes, T., Bredemeyer., González, C., Pering, T.,
McGonigle, A. 2023. Evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal system at Lastarria volcano (Northern Chile)
between 2006-2019: Insights from fluid geochemistry. Frontiers in Earth Science.
2023 – Wilkes, T., Pering, T., Aguilera, F., Layana, S., Nadeau, P., Kern, C., McGonigle, A., Aguilera, M., Xu, C.
2023. A new permanent, low-cost, low-power SO2 camera for continuous measurements of volcanic emissions.
Frontiers in Earth Science.
2023 – Aguilera, F., Grosse, P., Guzmán, S., Michelfelder, G., Taussi, M. 2023. Editorial: Volcanism in the Central
Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Frontiers in Earth Sciences.
2022 – Agusto, M., Forte, P., Aguilera, F., Arciniega Ceballos, M.A. 2022. Volcanism in Latin America: Advances in the region from the First Congreso ALVO. Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
2022 – Alcozer-Vargas, N., Reyes-Hardy, M.P., Esquivel, A., Aguilera, F. 2022. A GIS-based multi.hazard
assessment at the San Pedro volcano, Central Andes, northern Chile. Frontiers in Earth Sciences.
2022 – Barry, P., De Moor, M., Chiodi, A., Aguilera, F., Hudak, M., Bekaert, D., Turner, S., Curtice, J., Seltzer, A.,
Jessen, G., Osses, E., Blamey, J., Amenábar, M., Selci, M., Cascone, M., Bastianoni, A., Nakagawa, M.,
Filipovich, R., Bustos, E., Schrenk, M., Buongiorno, J., Ramírez, C., Rogers, T., Lloyd, K., Giovannelli, D.
2022. The helium and carbon isotope characteristicas of the Andean convergent margin. Frontiers in Earth
2022 – Aguilera, F., Apaza, F., del Carpio, J., Grosse, P., Jimenez, N., Ureta, G., Inostroza, M., Baez, W., Layana, S.,
Gonzalez, C., Rivera, M., Ortega, M., Gonzalez, R., Iriarte, R. 2022. Advances in scientific understanding of the
Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes: A review of contributing factors. Bulletin of Volcanology.
2022 – Aguilera, M., Ureta, G., Grosse, P., Nemeth, K., Aguilera, F., Vilches, M. 2022. Geomorpholigcal,
morphometric, and sptail distribution anlysis of the scoria cones in the Negros de Aras monogenetic volcanic
field, northern Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2022 – Vilches, M., Ureta, G., Grosse, P., Nemeth, K., Aguilera, F., Aguilera, M. 2022. Effusion rate estimation based
on solidified lava flows: Implications for volcanic hazard assessment in the Negros de Aras monogenetic
volcanic field, northern Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2021 – Aguilera, F., Caro, J., Layana, S. 2021. The evolution of Peteroa volcano (Chile-Argentina) crater lakes
between 1984 and 2020 based on Landsat and Planet Labs imagery analysis. Frontiers in Earth Sciences.
2021 – Reyes-Hardy, M.P., Aguilera, F., Sepúlveda, J., Esquivel, A., Inostroza, M. 2021. GIS-based volcanic hazards,
vulnerability and risks assessment of the Guallatiri volcano, Arica y Parinacota Region, Chile. Journal of South
American Earth Sciences.
2021 – Sepúlveda, J., Aguilera, F., Inostroza, M., Reyes, M.P. 2021. Geological evolution of the Guallatiri volcano,
Arica y Parinacota Region, northern Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
2021 -Inostroza, M., Rodríguez-Díaz, A., Aguilera, F., Pérez-Zárate, D., Menzies, A. 2021. Evidence of boron-rich
aqueous and crystalline phases associated with fumarolic emissions at Guallatiri volcano, northern Chile. Journal
of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2021 – Ureta, G., Németh, K., Aguilera, F., Zimmer, M., Menzies, A. 2021. A window on mantle-derived magmas
within the Central Andes: Eruption style transitions at Cerro Overo maar and La Albóndiga lava dome, northern
Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology.
2021 – Ureta, G., Németh, K., Aguilera, F., Kósik, S., González, R., Menzies, A., González, C., James, D. 2021.
Evolution of a magmatic to a phreatomagmatic volcanic system: The birth of a monogenetic volcanic field,
Tilocálar volcanoes, northern Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2021 – Torres, I., Nemeth, K., Ureta, G., Aguilera, F. 2021. Characterization, origin, and evolution of the one of the
most eroded mafic monogenetic fields within the Central Andes: The case of El País lava flow field, northern
Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
2021 – Tapia, J., Schneider, B., Inostroza, M., Álvarez-Amado, F., Luque, J., Aguilera, F., Parra, S., Bravo, M. 2021.
Naturally elevated arsenic in the Altiplano-Puna, Chile and the link to recent (Mio-Pliocene to Quaternary)
volcanic activity, high crustal thicknesses, and geological structures. Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
2020 – Aguilera, F., Layana, S., Rojas, F., Arratia, P., Wilkes, T., González, C., Inostroza, M., McGonigle, A., Pering,
T., Ureta, G. 2020. First measurements of gas flux with a low-cost smartphone sensor-based UV camera on the
volcanoes of northern Chile. Remote Sensing.
2020 – Inostroza, M., Aguilera, F., Menzies, A., Layana, S., González, C., Ureta, G., Sepúlveda, J., Scheller, S.,
Böehm, A., Barraza, M., Tagle, R., Patzschke, M. 2020. Deposition of metals and metalloids in the fumarolic
fields of Guallatiri and Lastarria volcanoes, northern Chile. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2020 – Layana, S., Aguilera, F., Rojo, G., Vergara, A., Salazar, P., Quispe, J., Urra, P., Urrutia, D. 2020. Volcanic
Anomalies Monitoring System (VOLCANMOS), a low-cost volcanic monitoring system based on Ladnsat
images. Remote Sensing.
2020 – Romero, J., Aguilera, F., Delgado, F., Guzman, D., Van Eaton, A., Luengo, N., Caro, J., Bustillos, J., Guevara,
A., Holbik, S., Tormey, D., Zegarra, I. 2020. Combining ash analyses with remote sensing to identify juvenile
magma involvement and fragmentation mechanisms during the 2018/19 small eruption of Peteroa volcano
(Southern Andes). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2020 – Ureta, G., Aguilera, F., Nemeth, K., Inostroza, M., González, C., Zimmer, M., Menzies, A. In press. Transition
from small-volume ephemeral lava emission to explosive hydrovolcanism: The case of Cerro Tujle mara,
northern Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
2020 – Inostroza, M., Tassi, F., Aguilera, F., Sepulveda, J., Capecchiacci, F., Venturi, S., Capasso, G. 2020.
Geochemistry of gas and water discharges from the magmatic-hydrothermal system of the Guallatiri Volcano,
northern Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology.
2020 – Robidoux, P., Rizzo, A., Aguilera, F., Aiuppa, A., Artale, M., Liuzzo, M., Nazzari, M., Zummo, F. 2020.
Petrological and noble gas features of Lascar and Lastarria volcanoes (Chile): Inferences on plumbing systems
and mantle characteristics. Lithos.
2020 – Ureta, G., Nemeth, K., Aguilera, F., Gonzalez, R. Features that favor the prediction of the emplacement of
maar volcanoes: A study case in Central Andes, northern Chile. Geosciences.
2020 – Inostroza, M., Tassi, F., Sepulveda, J., Capecchiacci, F., Rizzo, A., Aguilera, F. 2020. Geochemical survey of
the Colpitas-Taapaca volcanic-hydrothermal system, northern Chile. Italian Journal of Geosciences.
2020 – Sainlot, N., Vlastélic, I., Moune, S., Rose-Koga, E.F., Schiavi, F., Valade, S., Aguilera, F. 2020. Uptake of
gaseous thallium, tellurium, vanadium and molybdenum into anhydrous alum, Lascar volcano fumaroles, Chile.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
2020 – Sainlot, N., Vlastélic, I., Nauret, F., Moune, S., Aguilera, F. 2020. Sr-Pb isotopes signature of Lascar volcano
(Chile): Insight into contamination of arc magmas ascending through a thick continental crust. Journal of South
American Earth Sciences.
2018 – Lopez, T., Aguilera, F., Tassi, F., Maarten de Moore, J., Bobrowski, N., Aiuppa, A., Tamburello, G., Rizzo,
A., Liuzzo, M., Viveiros, F., Cardellini, C., Silva, C., Fischer, T., Jean-Baptiste, P., Kazayaha, R., Hidalgo, S.,
Malowany, K., Lucic, G., Bagnato, E., Bergsson, B., Reath, K., Liotta, M., Carn, S., Chionidi, G. 2018. New
constraints on the magmatic-hydrothermal system and volatile budget of Lastarria Volcano, Chile: Integrated
results from the 2014 IAVCEI CCVG 12th Volcanic Gas Workshop. Geosphere.
2016 – Aguilera, F., Benavente, O., Gutierrez, F., Romero, J., Saltori, O., González, R., Agusto, M., Caselli, A.,
Pizarro, M. 2016. Eruptive activity of Planchón-Peteroa volcano for period 2010-2011, Southern Andean
Volcanic Zone, Chile. Andean Geology.
2016 – Aguilera, F., Layana, S., González, C., Cortés, J., Inostroza, M. 2016. Hydrothermal alteration, fumarolic
deposits and fluids from Lastarria Volcanic Complex: A multidisciplinary study. Andean Geology.
2016 – Benavente, O., Tassi, F., Reich, M., Aguilera, F., Capecchiacci, F., Gutierrez, F., Vaselli, O., Rizzo, A. 2016.
Chemical and isotopic features of cold and thermal fluids discharged in the Southern Volcanic Zone between
32.5ºS and 36ºS: Insights into the physical and chemical processes controlling fluid geochemistry in geothermal
systems of Central Chile. Chemical Geology.
2016 – Tassi, F., Aguilera, F., Benavente, O., Paonita, A., Chiodini, G., Caliro, S., Agusto, M., Gutierrez, F.,
Capaccioni, B., Vaselli, O., Caselli, A., Saltori, O. 2016. Geochemistry of fumarolic fluids from Peteroa volcano
(Argentina-Chile): Insights into compositional changes related to the fluid source region(s). Chemical Geology.
2015 – Rodríguez, I., Roche, O., Moune, S., Aguilera, F., Campos, E., Pizarro, M. 2015. Evolution of Irruputuncu
volcano, Central Andes, northern Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences.
2015 – González, C., Inostroza, M., Aguilera, F., González, R., Viramonte, J., Manzies, A. 2015. Heat and mass flux
measurements using Landsat images during 2000-2004 period, Lascar volcano, northern Chile. Journal of
Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2014 – Menard, G., Moune, S., Vlastélic, I., Aguilera, F., Valade, S., Bontemps, M., González, R. 2014. Gas and
aerosols emissions from Lascar volcano (northern Chile): Insights into origin of gases and their links with the
volcanic activity. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2014 – Godoy, B., Wörner, G., Kojima, S., Aguilera, F., Simon, K., Hartmann, G. 2014. Low pressure evolution of
arc magmas in thickened crust: The San Pedro-Linzor Volcanic Chain, Central Andes, northern Chile. Journal of
South American Earth Sciences.
2013 – Benavente, O., Tassi, F., Gutierrez, F., Vaselli, O., Aguilera, F., Reich, M. 2013. Origin of fumarolic fluids
from Tupungatito volcano (Central Chile): Interplay between magmatic, hydrothermal, and shallow meteoric
sources. Bulletin of Volcanology.
2012 – Gutierrez, F., Lemus, M., Parada, M., Benavente, O., Aguilera, F. 2012. Contribution of altitude on thermal
anomalies detection: Implications for use of ASTER images and ground-based measurements. Journal of
Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2012 – Aguilera, F., Tassi, F., Darrah, T., Moune, S., Vaselli, O. 2012. Hydrothermal-magmatic activity at the
Lastarria volcano, northern Chile: insights on ground deformation episodes from fluid geochemistry. Bulletin of
2011 – Capaccioni, B., Aguilera, F., Tassi, F., Darrah, T., Poreda, R., Vaselli, O. 2011. Geochemical and isotopic
evidences of magmatic inputs in the hydrothermal reservoir feeding the fumarolic discharges of Tacora volcano
(northern Chile). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2011 – Tassi, F., Aguilera, F., Vaselli, O., Darrah, T., Medina, E. 2011. Gas discharges from four remote Volcanoes
(Putana, Olca, Irruputuncu and Alitar) in northern Chile: A geochemical and isotopic survey. Annals of
2010 – Tassi, F., Aguilera, F., Darrah, T., Vaselli, O., Capaccioni, B., Poreda, R, Delgado-Huertas, A. 2010. Fluid
geochemistry of six hydrothermal systems in the Arica-Parinacota, Tarapacá and Antofagasta regions (northern
Chile). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
2009 – Tassi, F., Aguilera, F., Vaselli, O., Medina, E., Tedesco, D., Delgado Huertas, A., Poreda, R., Kojima, S. 2009.
The magmatic – and hydrothermal – dominated fumarolic system at the Active Crater of Lascar volcano,
northern Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology.
Profesor Asociado de la carrera de Geología, en la Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Geológicas de la Universidad Católica del Norte.
Guía de tesis
En curso
Doctorado en Ciencias mención Geología – Universidad Católica del Norte
Alexander Scheinost – First-order internal factors favoring the emplacement of torta-type lava domes in northern Chile.
María Paz Reyes – Hazard and impact assessment in various volcanic settings.
Micaela Villarroel – Dinámica de procesos magmáticos en sistemas volcánicos activos y sus efectos en las emisiones superficiales.
Magíster en Ciencias mención Geología – Universidad Católica del Norte
Michael Bravo – Análisis morfológico y texturas de piroclastos máficos y félsicos en el Salar de Carcote: implicancia para los procesos de fragmentación en depósitos volcánicos subaéreos.
Nahun Irarrázabal – Evolución geoquímica de los fluidos magmáticos-hidrotermales de los volcanes Guallatiri y Lastarria.
Doctorado en Ciencias mención Geología – Universidad Católica del Norte
Cristóbal González (2023) – Naturaleza de los volátiles y magmas asociados al volcanismo por subducción en la Zona Volcánica Central de los Andes (ZVCA).
Alfredo Esquivel (2023) – Factores físicos que determinan el volumen y alcance de las erupciones en volcanes sobre 4000 m s.n.m. del norte de Chile mediante modelos numéricos.
Gabriel Ureta (2020) – Origen y Evolución de volcanes freatomagmáticos de escaso volumen en el norte de Chile (latitud 23,5-24*S).
José Pablo Sepúlveda (2023) – Geological evolution of the Ollagüe volcano, northern Chile.
Magíster en Ciencias mención Geología – Universidad Católica del Norte
Mauricio Aguilera (2023) – Geoquímica de fluídos magmáticos-hidrotermales de los volcanes Isluga y Olca, norte de Chile.
Javiera Caro (2023) – Processes that control the explosive-elusive transitions in the eruptive activity of Nevados de Chillán volcano, Southern Andes, Chile.
Geología – Universidad Católica del Norte
José Gutiérrez (2023) – Deformación vertical mediante observaciones InSAR del volcán Villarrica, Chile: erupción del 3 de marzo del 2015.
Yelkinn Ossandón (2023) – Estratigrafía e historia eruptiva del Centro Volcánico Aguilucho, Campo Volcánico monogenético Negro de Aras, norte de Chile.
Poulette Ogalde (2023) – Análisis cualitativo de vulnerabilidad y riesgos asociados al volcán Lascar.
Tom González (2023) – Análisis cualitativo de vulnerabilidad y riesgos asociado al volcán San Pedro.
Héctor Vallejos (2023) – Evolución de los peligros volcánicos mediante modelos numéricos del volcán Ollagüe.
Alexander Soto (2023) – Cosmovisión andina sobre sector de Cerro Colorado, Región de Antofagasta.
Nicolás Cuevas (2022) – Evolución geólogica del Volcán Licancabur, región de Antofagasta, Chile.
Francisca Aguirre (2024) – Litoestratigrafía y geoquímica de los conos de escoria del campo volcánico El Negrillar.